Detailed Steps For Treating Cat Poisoning And Signs Of Poisoning

 Detailed Steps For Treating Cat Poisoning And Signs Of Poisoning:

Find out more about the signs of poisoning in cats and what you can do to reduce the risk.

Cat poisoning is a very common problem that all cat breeders may encounter at least once in their lives.
Unfortunately, although cats may be less susceptible to poisoning than dogs, there are nevertheless many chances of poisoning cats.
The reason for this is that cats constantly lick their own fur and hair, so they are exposed to a lot of toxins all the time.
And because cats do not have a large size like dogs, the chances of poisoning in cats are great with the least amount of toxic substances that they may be exposed to.
Also, when cats have any problem or suffer from any disease, they will hide in a hard-to-reach place.
Therefore, in the event of poisoning, the cats will hide from you, and you will not notice this until after a period that may not be short.

What are the causes of poisoning in cats?

Poisoning in cats may occur due to many reasons, summarized as follows:
Eating or swallowing toxic substances or eating animals that have died from the poison (for example, eating dead mice because of rat poison)
Ingestion of a toxic substance due to cleaning and licking itself (maybe you cleaned a place in your home with a toxic substance and your cat walked on it and then licked itself)
Absorption of toxic substances through the skin (such as the use of poisonous insect medicines that are not used, such as deltamethrin and Iverzine for cats)
Inhaling toxic substances through the nose.

Signs of cat poisoning, and how do I know that my cat has been poisoned?

Signs of poisoning in cats vary and depend greatly on the type of poison and its dose.
Most types of toxins cause a decrease in the temperature, and also sometimes increased salivation (salivation) may occur.
Also, this is associated with gastrointestinal symptoms, nervous and respiratory symptoms, and a few of them cause symptoms that appear on the skin, as we will show you as follows:
Symptoms of poisoning in cats related to the digestive system appear in the form of constant vomiting, diarrhea and loss of appetite for your cat
Neurological symptoms include tremors, convulsions, loss of balance, difficult walking, and possibly complete coma in severe cases.
Respiratory symptoms may include coughing and coughing. As well as difficulty breathing
Symptoms that appear on the skin due to the occurrence of poisoning in cats are in the form of swelling or inflammation of the skin
Also, some toxins may cause all of these symptoms to appear together, as signs of vomiting and diarrhea appear due to poisoning, as well as nervous symptoms, convulsions, and others.
And in some types of poisoning in your cat, it may cause liver and kidney failure, and these types of poisoning may also be due to food.
Important clarification: Poisoning shows acute and sudden symptoms that escalate rapidly within hours, but sometimes poisoning occurs chronically and very slowly, as symptoms begin to appear one after another over several days, and for this reason, chronic poisoning may be difficult to detect as well as difficult to treat.

How should I behave if I discover poisoning in cats?

Acting quickly is the best treatment if you discover poisoning in your cat. The faster you act, the higher the chances of survival. Therefore, we always recommend that you go to the nearest veterinary clinic.

If the clinic is far away or you have more time, take the following steps until you reach the doctor:

1 - Isolate your cat from the source of the poison, and isolate it from other cats in the house.

2 - If the poison is on the fur or claws of your cat, prevent it from licking itself completely.

3 - If the poison is on the cat’s body or skin, wash it with running water to reduce the concentration of the poison on it.

4 - Try to find out the type of poison, and if you are able to take a sample of the substance that caused the poisoning

5 - In the event that cats are poisoned with insecticide, or cats are poisoned with rat poison or with some medicine, you must know their name, and this will be an aid in treating them in the veterinary clinic.

What are the steps for treating cat poisoning?

The first step in treating poisoning in cats is to stop the effect of the poison using medication. Medicines are used to inhibit the effect of the toxin in the blood.
One of the most popular of these drugs is to give cats a cholinergic injection to stop the action of the poison.
But be careful not to give cats cholinergic injections on your own, as its effect and harm will be much greater than its benefit in case of wrong use.
Giving drugs to reverse the effect of the toxin depends on knowing the type of poison, of course, but this is not the only step.
In addition, the veterinarian will treat the effects and symptoms of poisoning in cats, as poisoning causes many symptoms such as vomiting and diarrhea, as we explained before.
Therefore, the doctor will treat vomiting and diarrhea, as well as ensure that the cat's body temperature is at an appropriate temperature.
The veterinarian may also need to give the cats some intravenous fluids to help the body get rid of the toxin quickly, as well as overcome the symptoms of dehydration that may occur due to vomiting.

Some misconceptions about the treatment of poisoning in cats:

There are many misconceptions about poisoning in cats and methods of treating it, and unfortunately, the spread of these concepts has caused the death of many cats, as follows:
Can cat poisoning be treated with medicinal herbs? The answer is no .. Cats poisoning should be treated quickly and effectively through medicines in the veterinary clinic. Herbal remedies are a long-term and feasible treatment for poisoning in cats
Can milk be used to treat cat poisoning? The answer is no .. Milk does not cure cat poisoning, but it slows down the absorption of poison in the stomach in the first half hour after the poisoning occurs if the poisoning is in the stomach.
Can cats' toxins be treated with charcoal tablets (charcoal rivet)? The effect of charcoal tablets is like the effect of milk in slowing down the effect of absorption of poison in the stomach, so if more than half an hour has passed since the cats ingested a toxic substance, then using charcoal tablets for treatment will not work.

List of substances and products that are toxic to cats:

There are a lot of substances that cause poisoning to cats, and a lot of food and beverages as well, we mention most of these products for you to avoid
Personal care products: such as creams and deodorants, and antiseptics such as alcohol. All of them are very toxic to cats
Hygiene products and household cleaners: such as Dettol, washing powders, chlorine, cleaners for wooden, marble and glass surfaces.
Human medications: aspirin, paracetamol, antidepressants and pain relievers are all very toxic to cats. Just one tablet of these medicines could poison your cat and possibly death.
Cosmetics: such as hair dyes, nail polish and personal moisturizers
Various foods: onions and garlic are toxic foods for cats, as are grapes, chocolate, and spicy spices.

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